by David Moran | Apr 9, 2019 | Blog
Having that picture postcard country cottage complete with thatched roof is the dream of thousands. What many later discover to their chagrin that as charming as that thatched roof is it brings with it a whole host of problems. Anyone considering buying one of these...
by David Moran | Mar 29, 2017 | Blog
As uncommon as fire is to occur in thatched buildings it does happen. Most commonly the cause is the heat that is transferred from the homes chimney to the thatch. Once the ignition temperature of the thatch is reached a fire can occur in the roof. Here Are Some...
by David Moran | Jan 17, 2017 | Blog
If you own a thatched roof property then you’ll know that fire safety is extremely important. Due to the materials used to match a thatched roof as well as the fact that most thatched roof properties have a genuine wood burner, thatched roof properties are at...
by David Moran | Jan 17, 2017 | Blog, Thatched Property Guides
Many people in the UK dream of owning a thatched roof property. Thatched roof properties have a very particular charm that’s impossible to replicate with a standard tile roof. Thatched roof properties are usually located in desirable areas and when you also...
by David Moran | Feb 26, 2016 | Blog
The cottage design is a classic style which still has a great deal of attraction for many people. If you have been lucky enough to find a cottage, even if it needs a lot of interior restoration, then you should take this opportunity to really furnish it in the best...
by David Moran | Feb 12, 2016 | Blog
Being good at DIY and woodworking can be a notable help if moving into or living in a cottage. Aside from maybe just wanting to get involved in the maintenance of your space, you may also find it a lot more reasonable. Thatched roofs tend to need moderate care and...